Your bathroom is your sanctuary. You start and end your day there. In a hectic household, it is sometimes the only place you get to be alone and have some “me time”. It is also one of the hardest working rooms in your home. It typically includes three sources of water, electricity and myriad surface and storage requirements. Remodeling a bath can be a huge undertaking, and I have seen numerous incidents where a small mistake had huge ramifications.
A peaceful and hard-working bathroom
A repurposed Bombay Chest becomes a perfect vanity
Here are a few tips for getting the most out of your bath project:
•Draw it up and plan it out. If you are not working with a design professional, start by measuring your spaces and drawing it on graph paper so that you understand what your space limitations are. Be as accurate as possible, and write in your dimensions. This will be very helpful as you choose fixtures and order materials.
• Understand how you use your bath.
How many people use your bath at one time?
Do you need lots of storage for medications or makeup? Do you have small children from whom medications must be carefully stored away?
Do you spend a lot of time in the shower? Do you use a lot of products there that require space for storage?
Is there towel and linen storage in close proximity to your bath? Do you have enough space to hang damp towels?
Do you actually use your tub? If not, get rid of it and use the space for something useful. If so, are there attributes you wish it had? (Space to set a book and a glass of wine? A ledge for candles and bath salts?)
• Find Inspiration. There are so many great visual resources on line to get ideas from. Check out Houzz and Pinterest. Both sites have ways for you to search for, organize and archive images.
• As you start to select plumbing fittings, consult with your plumber to see what is readily available in your area, and easily serviceable. Don’t just by a faucet because it’s pretty. It has to work!
• Unless you are dead-set on a color for your porcelain fixtures, choose white. It’s timeless and goes with everything!
• Consider hiring a professional. As the saying goes: “If you think hiring a professional is expensive, try hiring an amateur!” A design professional will know where the pitfalls are and have an arsenal of products and insights that will save time and money, and add value to your project.
A punchy "pocket bath" that serves a small guest room.
In the end, remember that this highly private space is often the first thing to greet you in the morning and the last to say goodnight. Make it something special!